Snake Climbs To Catch Bird | Happily TV

2022-02-18 8

A homeowner was left stunned when he discovered a large snake hanging from his carport roof with a bird in its mouth. Matthew Ruder, 50, from Thatcher, Utah, was so shocked by the scene, he took out his cellphone to record the moment. In the video, taken on July 18, Matt captured the hanging snake before panning around to show his neighbors’ shocked expressions. According to Matt, the snake crawled from the ground up into the roof of the carport, where a western king bird had created a nest. There, the Great Basin gopher snake - known locally as a blow snake - is believed to have snatched the bird while it was in the nest. Matt said that the bird was already dead when he arrived, and so a neighbor helped the snake to the ground as not to injure the animal. The snake then headed off with the bird and nature took its course. A day later, Matt returned to the carport to discover that the bird’s sibling was still in the nest with the mother feeding it.